This Wednesday, September 26th, Stein Eriksen Lodge located at Deer Valley Resort, Utah will be in front of the Park City Planning Commission.
The Lodge is a requesting to amend the Stein Eriksen Lodge condominium record of survey plat to reflect a proposed expansion of the existing support meeting and conference space and to reflect a Porte Cochere structure to be constructed at the front entrance. All proposed additions are within the existing platted common area and will remain designated as common.
There are 197,858.26 square feet of residential floor area within the Stein Eriksen Lodge. There are currently 5,566 square feet of support meeting space within the Lodge. The Deer Valley Master Plan Development Agreement (MPD) allows a square footage amount of support meeting space equal to 5% of the total residential floor area. Therefore, a total of 9,927 square feet of support meeting space is allowed.
Stein Eriksen Lodge proposes to construct 4,361 square feet of enclosed meeting space, located on the 4th level of the Lodge (primarily above the existing large meeting room) for a total of 9,927 square feet of support meeting space. Additional circulation, storage, and back of house areas will be constructed in conjunction with the meeting rooms. The area is currently used as outdoor meeting space, and the proposal would enclose this area to be better utilized throughout the year.
This addition would put the total meeting space area at the 5% maximum allowed by the Deer Valley MPD. The enclosed meeting rooms are proposed to be located on the paved patio area, above the existing lower level meeting rooms, within the central area of the Lodge. An additional 3,600 sq. ft. of building footprint is proposed where the new construction is not located over existing footprint. The height of the addition complies with the Deer Valley MPD allowed height of 35 from existing natural grade for this parcel. Maximum height of the addition is 29 from existing natural grade.
A Porte Cochere is also proposed to be constructed to provide protection from the weather and elements at the front entry. The proposed amendment maintains a minimum of sixty percent (60%) open space; actual open space would be 61.9%. The applicant proposes to add the support meeting space and the Porte Cochere within existing platted Common Area. The proposed Second Supplemental Sheet for All Phases of the Stein Eriksen Lodge reflects the proposed improvements to the Common Area for the meeting space expansion and the proposed Porte Cochere.
No changes in ownership are proposed, and the amendments reflect the proposed structural improvements within the Common Area as required by the Utah Condominium state code provisions. No changes are proposed to the residential area and no changes are proposed to the support commercial areas or to any residential or private area within the building. The applicant has provided Park City with exhibits depicting views into the project from surrounding properties, demonstrating the location of the addition and how the exterior views looking towards the projects would change. Exterior materials and architecture of the addition match those used on the existing buildings.
The Park City Planning staff finds good cause for this record of survey plat amendment in that the amendment reflects proposed physical changes to the common area and includes support meeting space consistent with the Deer Valley MPD. The enclosed meeting space will provide for more all season use of the area. The total meeting space of 9,927 square feet will not exceed five percent (5%) of the total residential floor area. No changes are proposed to the resort support commercial. A minimum of sixty percent (60%) open space is maintained. The additional floor area is support meeting space for the use of owners and guest staying at the Lodge. As such, the additional space does not require additional parking.
Please let us know if you might like additional information.