We have compiled our Absorption Rate Snapshot for the Deer Valley Resort real estate market as of August 1, 2013. As we report monthly, below you will find the highlights of this analysis. We compile these numbers on a monthly basis looking for trends and the trends, for the most part, continue to show market improvement.
When we refer to the overall Deer Valley Resort real estate market below, we are including the following submarkets: (i) Lower Deer Valley, (ii) Upper Deer Valley, (iii) Empire Pass and (iv) Deer Crest. We compile inventory statistics for each of these submarkets as well as the overall Deer Valley market, so if you would like more specific submarket information, please let us know.
Single Family Homes: As of August 1, 2013, there were 69 current active listings in the overall Deer Valley single family home real estate market, 2 under contract and 38 homes that have closed escrow in the past 12 months. This represents 22 months supply of available single family residential inventory.
Condominiums: There are currently 129 active listings in the overall Deer Valley condominium real estate market, 12 under contract and 112 condominiums that have closed escrow in the past 12 months. This represents 15 months of available inventory.
Although these numbers continue to reflect an overall buyers market for the Deer Valley Resort real estate market, the yearly trend does continue its steady movement back toward market equilibrium.
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